Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Iglesia ni Cristo member bows to Eduardo V. Manalo 

[This is the sixth part of my critique of Iglesia ni Cristo Executive Minister Eduardo V. Manalo’s position on the RH Bill. The words of Mr. Manalo are in green while my comments are in black.]

Iglesia ni Cristo Executive Minister Eduardo V. Manalo slams natural family planning as "immoral" but accepts artificial means of contraception such as condoms, pills, IUD, tubal ligation, vasectomy, etc. as "moral" 

 … but they also are immoral, since they contradict the commandment that God has given to married couples.
This statement the Iglesia ni Cristo leader’s warped sense of morality. In what way do natural family planning methods contradict God’s commandment? As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, natural family planning is not sinful, hence moral, if open to life and the will of God:
Couples who use Natural Family Planning are allowing God to have some control over their lives and over the procreation of their children. Natural Family Planning gives the husband and wife some influence over decisions such as: when they will have children, how many children they will have and when they will be born. Natural Family Planning can even be used by older couples to decrease the likelihood that they will have any additional children.

Anti-life: Mr. Eduardo V. Manalo supports contraception which literally means "against conceiving"
A husband and wife should have some influence over the decisions of procreation. But they must also allow, and even welcome, God's power over their lives, their family and the conception and birth of their children. To use contraception is to try to eliminate God's role in the procreation of His children.
The methods used in Natural Family Planning are not in and of themselves sinful, because these methods are open to life and open to the will of God. There is no barrier or chemical preventing conception from occurring. The couple is not doing anything to prevent conception, or to oppose the will of God concerning the procreation of children. If it is God's will, a couple using Natural Family Planning could still conceive a child each time they engage in marital relations. In Holy Scripture, Abraham and Sarah were still able to conceive a child, by God's will, even though conception seemed unlikely due to their advanced ages.

If the Iglesia ni Cristo wishes to be consistent with its support of contraception, it must embark on massive contraception of its members so that the INC will not grow and will become extinct in due time
If there were a natural method of birth control which gave couples complete control over the procreation of children, such a method would be, in and of itself, sinful, because it would not be open to life and to the will of God. The mere fact that a method of family planning is natural is not sufficient to cause the method to be, in itself, moral. The method must be open to life and to the will of God.[1]
Since natural family does not positively exclude the possibility of transmission of human life through chemicals, gadgets and devices, it is still open to life and the will of God for the couple. Such, however, cannot be said of artificial means of contraception. Thus, natural family planning and not contraceptives fulfill God’s commandment in Genesis 1:28:

God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground” (NIV).
Iglesia ni Cristo deception in supporting the RH Bill citing Genesis 1:28

To justify artificial means of contraception and population control, the Iglesia ni Cristo has gone at great lengths to tinker with God’s word in Genesis 1:28. That beautiful verse on stewardship of God’s creation was twisted by INC ministers to mean as God's command to have population control. Violating all the rules of sound exegesis of Scripture, and defying Biblical scholarship, grammar and plain common sense, the INC ministers unabashedly argue that the phrase “subdue it” means to “subdue the population.” The INC ministers grossly insult the intelligence of their members. No thinking individuals should subscribe to that idiotic and idiotizing view. The verse is plain in simple. It says, “fill the earth and subdue it – “it” clearly refers to the earth, not population! This is another example on how the Iglesia ni Cristo perverts God’s Word to suit its own purposes and interests! What an abuse of God’s holy word – a sacrilege beyond description. How long and how far can the Iglesia ni Cristo go in making a travesty and mockery of God’s Word? Only Mr. Eduardo V. Manalo can tell.

Mr. Eduardo V. Manalo of the Iglesia ni Cristo considers the use of these contraceptives as "moral"


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